Basic Book-It™
BeLoved Gifts Basic bookmarks are packaged in a vinyl press seal pouch...
BeLoved Publishing
A reading space where you can find something a little different! Whether...
Canada Collection
Just a little piece of Canada for you to gift your loved...
Deluxe Book-It™ Gift Bookmark
Our Deluxe Book-It™ Bookmark Gifts sets come with BeLoved Gifts exclusive mini...
Handcrafted Luxury Knives
Handcrafted luxury knives! Each knife is a unique labour of love which...
Inspirational Keychains
Gift a powerful reminder - custom daily affirmations, or inspirational quotes to...
Islamic Book-It™ Gifts
Unique and exclusively by BeLoved Gifts, our Islamic Inspired Ribbon bookmarks are...
Mini Book-It™ Bookmark Gifts
BeLoved Gifts Mini Book-It's are designed for minimalists. We realized some loved...
Nisa | Luxe Collection
Nisa | Luxe Collection is handcrafted jewelry made with real silver and...
Sketched Soul | Handcrafted Tote Bags
Sketched Soul is based in Ontario, Canada. All products are handcrafted with...